The Games We Play
The Games We Play
“The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Holy Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6
Focus in on what the Holy Spirit wants. God’s man knows that when he listens promptly to the saving voice of the Spirit, he is spared the pain, panic and loss that come from the sultry dark side within.
Son, don’t play games with God. That’s a zero-sum game. He measures intentions. Be willing in advance to do what He says.
God wants to know if you are going through the motions right now or if you are with Him in body and spirit! He wants to know if you are really with Him at the heart level. Inner allegiance was a priority to Jesus for anyone claiming to follow Him. “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me.” (Matthew 15:8)
God’s Man is all in. Nothing is off the table. Better yet, God does not hide His enthusiasm for a son who is willing to be flexible and obedient, no matter what he asks.
At the center of your relationship with the Holy Spirit is a willingness to listen above all other competing voices. That’s what we call a friend of God. While pain can be an effective catalyst for openness to input from the Holy Spirit, it is not nearly as good as desire and willingness. In any type of meaningful relationship, there must be desire on the other side to commit, connect, learn and listen. This is seen by our willing submission to His voice and authority in our moment by moment life.
Thank you Father for reminding me that a relationship is two sided. Games don’t work.