God Promised Us a Healthy Baby Girl

Devote 365

God Promised Us a Healthy Baby Girl

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? NKJV

Devotional: My husband and I were given the news we were expecting our second child. Not really ready for this change in our life, we began to come to grips that our little family of three was now going to be a big family of four. Several months into the pregnancy the doctor informed us that our baby was going to be born with a chromosomal abnormality. They immediately suggested termination. Without even a pause, my husband and I prayed in that office for a miracle. We felt God speak to us that all would be well. God gave us a promise. He told us He would take care of this baby. We knew no matter what the circumstance we were not going to terminate. Our daughter was born healthy with no abnormalities at all. She is now twelve years old and a very active member of Next Level Youth Ministries!

Prayer: Dear Lord, We thank You for blessing us with a healthy child. The doctors gave us no hope, yet You promised to take care of our daughter. There are times when we can’t understand why things are brought in our path or why we have to face difficult times. God, You know the beginning from the end. Thank You, Jesus, for keeping Your promise.